Client Background: A home services company, recently acquired by a larger entity, faced critical challenges in its financial management. Issues in their accounting processes were hindering the company from effectively closing its books, a necessary step in the transition process after the buyout.

Challenge: The company struggled with various issues that complicated the closing of its financial books. These challenges included inaccuracies in accounting records, unaligned bank statements, and disjointed receivables and purchase orders. These issues not only delayed the transition but also threatened the integrity of the company's financial reporting.

Solution: RMOHC stepped in to assist the company during this crucial period. The team at RMOHC took a multi-faceted approach to address these challenges:

  • Learning and Integrating Software: RMOHC quickly adapted to the company's integrated service provider software, crucial for managing their day-to-day operations.
  • Correcting Journal Entries: The team created correcting journal entries to rectify inaccuracies in the financial records.
  • Bank Reconciliation: They re-reconciled bank statements to ensure accuracy in the company's financial transactions.
  • Linking Receivables and Purchase Orders: RMOHC successfully tied receivables to purchase orders, a critical step for accurate financial reporting.
  • Compiling Financial Statements: The firm compiled two years of auditable financial statements, ensuring they were thorough and compliant.

Results: RMOHC's intervention led to significant improvements in the company's financial management and reporting:

  • Accurate Financial Records: The corrections and reconciliations provided a true and accurate representation of the company's financial status.
  • Smooth Transition: By resolving these financial issues, RMOHC facilitated a smoother transition process post-acquisition.
  • Compliance and Readiness for Audit: The auditable financial statements prepared by RMOHC ensured that the company was in compliance with financial regulations and ready for any audits.

Conclusion: This case study exemplifies RMOHC's expertise in managing and resolving complex financial challenges during business transitions. The firm’s comprehensive approach not only resolved immediate accounting issues but also laid a foundation for a seamless transition as the company prepared to close its doors. RMOHC’s ability to adapt, quickly learn new systems, and ensure compliance underscores its commitment to providing top-notch financial solutions to its clients.


June 21, 2023

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